Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, October 23, 2008

11 Months!

In less than one month I will be a year old!! The past few weeks have brought increased independence and some new "words". My first word was dog, although when you hear me say it, it sounds more like a very forced "dah". My next one was mimicing mommy says "uhoh". I can't say it at the appropriate time, but I love repeating mommy when she says it! My top two teeth popped through at 10.5 months, so mommy is curious whether I will get a more in a couple weeks.

At daycare I am known as the child with the biggest and best appetite. I LOVE food and eat lots of it! My favorites are spaghetti, ravioli, macaroni and cheese, diced carrots, and hot dogs. My teachers can't believe how much I can eat! I also started drinking some whole milk two weeks ago. I love the taste of it and sometimes prefer it to formula. I only have a couple more weeks of formula left and then I will move to whole milk full time. I will be moving up to the next room at daycare in a little over a month and will be with the "big kids" (1-2 year olds).

The biggest excitement happened last night-I took my first steps!!! Mommy was very disappointed because she was in class so didn't get to see them, but I walked four steps all by myself to daddy. Mommy is hoping for a repeat appearance very soon!

I once again celebrated my monthly "birthday" sick. This time a single ear infection in my left ear. The infection also spread to my eye and it was very swollen as well. Mommy said I looked like an ogre-in a loving way of course : )

Mommy's been pretty good about posting pictures lately, but here are a couple more to enjoy of me cuddling and kissing "Little Woo", sleeping in my high chair, and riding my bike:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun in the Park!

I went to the park for the first time today. I enjoyed swinging, going down the slide, and walking around with mommy and daddy. Here's some "proof" of my adventures:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

10 (and a half) Months!

Mommy's a little behind on updating the blog. It's been a very busy and exciting past couple of weeks. Right around my 10 month "birthday" I again came down with some horrible disease. This time it was a nasty stomach virus! I couldn't eat anything with nutrition for four days and it took me several more days to work back up to normal eating patterns. Mommy was just glad that it all started on a Friday so I only missed three days of daycare, instead of five. Almost all of the other kids in my class got sick as well and one of them ended up in the hospital for a day because he got so dehydrate. Mommy and I are so glad that it's all over!!!

I'm still doing a lot of the same, but adding some additional things to my list of skills. I am LOVING my push walker and am experimenting with using only one hand to walk with it. I'm also starting to let go occaionally and try standing not holding onto anything. The past week has been HUGE for "new things". My two top teeth broke through, I learned to wave, I said my first word: DOG (sounds more like a very foced "dah"), and I'm very close to clapping. I am also eating almost everything that mommy and daddy eat, or some other sort of table food of my own. I started eating the daycare lunch last week and mommy has also cut my afternoon sippy in half and added in a solid snack. Mommy says I'm going to start the transition to whole milk in less than two weeks, around my 11 month "birthday".

Here are some pictures to enjoy. Some are a month old, but they are in order from oldest to newest.